My Work-Bench 

2013 Fender Stratocaster  Made in America SSH model

Frets, Bidge and Nut, Set up

The nut has been sanded too much , But on the bright side, the owner prefers a brass nut to help the tone some and to create better sustain. 

Intonation, Create Faraday cage

I will level the high spots in the Fret boards and unevenness of some fret wires. I will then micro sand them and steel wool them to a perfect high-gloss finish. I will also line the electromincs gavity of the guitar with fol and make sure it is ground and sheilding any messy outside electonics noise and interference. Finially I will clean it well and polish to look like a Show Guitar!

A severely broken headstock honey Titon guitar

Just finished removing fretboard, as the neck was shattered a 3rd of the way in, I could not be glued like a regular crack. So about 9cm of the neck must be replace. and most likely the head stock redone for longevity. Have to see. This has been one of the worst breaks I have seen in a long long time. It will require a lot of work to get the headstock back on straight and to replace sections of wood on the neck which are we from moisture soaking into the fibers overtime. The quality of the neck wood it's below standard in my opinion, but I am up for the challenge. Besides, once in a while it's nice to have your back against the wall and needing to find a way out. It makes you better at your skill sets. Hence, the reason I've taken this otherwise, crazy challenge.

Headstock repair on a 1970s Fender acoustic

Here, I'm showing part of the process of me working on a broken headstock. I show the tools that I use and how I begin to shape and blend in the wood plugs which I put in to support the neck better and make a stronger repair. This is a 1970s Fender acoustic guitar which was made in Korea and given to my customer by his father,  many years ago.  Obviously, I knew it was very important for him to keep this guitar in good shape. I will put up information more  about the finishing once I have shaped it well I feel confident it is ready for that stage.

Ibanez Renewed and Completely Setup to Play Professionally

This Ibanez EGENS Herman Li model was heavily oxioxidized and needed a thorough cleaning. So, I dismantled the guitar and soaked all the parts for 24 hours, then polished them. Checked all electronics for shorts and breaks in the wiring, polished the frets, reconditioned all the wood and fretboard, set pickup height, string height and intonation and leveled neck properly. 

Fender Champion 100, Broken Power Switch

A lovely couple starting a live comunity Jam brought in a couple of instruments needing help to be part of jam nights. Turns out to be a simple fix! Only a power Switch replacement was enough to bring it back to 100% playability. Now on to the other instruments!

VOX AC4C1. Dirty Scratchy Pots

A nice gentleman shipped me his small 45watt VOX combo amp. He said the noce would die out and would play normal on and off. Turns out that it was quite dirty, so I cleaned it all out and sprayed all the pots and like Frankenstein, it came back to life to make music for as long as the music Gods favor it.

Local Acoustic Brand "Gusta" with a large cracked top!

The entry level Gusta Acoustic with a very long top crack is shown here after the crack was repaired and I chose to clear coat the top. The reason the top cracked so easily is that the quality of the wood top is poor so it is not strong and the factory finish is almost non-existent. Hence, the reason why I chose to add enough layers clear cloat to the top, so it is strong enough to take basic bumps or falls without breaking apart. The picture is right after I sanded the clear coat with uo to 7000 grit and hand buffed 5 time