Consignment Sales

We can take your Instruments on Consignment

Rent, sell or store it!

It is not uncommon for us to have clients either looking to sell, rent or buy their instruments while in Bangkok, and do not want to take them with them because they are traveling digital nomads or musicians! They often keep what is easy to travel with and try to sell what the do not want to take. It happens all the time.

Over the years we came up with a few ways that have been helpful with such traveling musicians. We can hold your instrument as rental pieces or to sell under 6-12 month contracts to sell for you or even store it until you return.

Why Sell it? Maybe renting until you return is worth it! We do the up keep, Charge a deposit for damage and repair and share in a percentage for paperwork, storage and up Keep!

Perhaps you're in a hurry to leave Bangkok, but not in a hurry to lose a lot of money on a sale! No problem, we can put your instrument under consignment for a duration that makes sense to you. We'll make your instrument presentable and demo it to any potential clients and make you aware of any serious offers,

Maybe you travel back and forth to Thailand and need someone you can trust to keep you instrument stored correctly and make sure it is secure/safe. If we have the space and you know when you'll be back to retrieve your instrument, we can make a contract to safely store your instrument or instuments, until a return time.

We can look at combining any of these options for you.